The NeverEnding Story

One year ago the corona pandemic reached Europe and same is true for the Chinese approach to fight the pandemic. We all know the pictures from Italy and how people and governments all around the world started to panic. Because of uncertainty - which partly lasts until today because of a lack in valid data - countries all around the globe started to shut businesses down and to impose lockdowns over the population: All EU countries (except Sweden), India, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, many US States ( democratically led ), to name just a few. The world economy was switched off. I want to use todays' commentary to look back and to cover the economic impacts of the measures that governments took to fight the pandemic and how governments & central banks tried to fight the consequences that their own actions caused. Further I want to talk about the present: The start of vaccine-programs seemed to be the game changer. However, with new news about mutations of SarsCov-2, I observ...