It's A Mad World

While the European Central Bank did not change its monetary policy last week, the US Federal Reserve followed this week. Unsurprisingly, Powell stated that the Fed will stick to the plan but became more dovish on the near term outlook. Again he claimed that the Fed hat to 'make sure that markets are functioning' in March 2020 through its' monetary policy measures. I consider this statement 'questionable', at least if you observe the recent side effects of those policies... I observe the ongoings in the financial markets for several years now and the more I watch the things which take place there, the more I feel that something within the system went terribly wrong. However, the market itself does not seem to care. Participants are well trained to adopt their narrative if the situation is changing. Buy the dip still works fine. Maybe this is the surrounding that John Maynard Keynes (with whom I agree very rarely) described as 'herding'. At least we can qua...