Recep's Magic Money Tree

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was born on February 26 in Istanbul. According to him, his family immigrated from Georgia to Turkey before he was born. In his youth, Recep was religiously shaped and visited an Imam-Hatip school (a religious high school) after he finished elementary school. His deeply religious beliefs are shaping his views until today, and even his views on monetary policy have become more and more spiritual these days. Erdogan started his political career in the 1980s, where he became heavily engaged within the National Welfare Party. One decade later, in 1994, Erdogan became mayor of Istanbul (which was mostly seen as a surprise), and after being imprisoned in 1998, he became prime minister of Turkey in 2003. On August 10, 2014, he was elected president for the first time. When Erdogan became prime minister, Turkey suffered from a decade-long lasting economic and currency crisis. He promised the Turkish people that, if they elect him, economic mismanagement and recessions would...