The Last Dance

We all move inside bubbles. Most of our opinions are in line with those of the people we interact with daily. Social media shows us the articles we agree on, and on Twitter, we follow people who share a similar view of the world. It is true, everyone prefers to read things that support his opinion on the world than otherwise. Nobody likes to question his own standpoint. Nevertheless, questioning his own point of view is something we should do regularly. Only if we do that, we can test our outlook on things and learn. Either we have better arguments to propose our standpoint or change our view if the counterargument is clearly better. It is no shame to be wrong; it is terrible to stay wrong consistently. For today's commentary, I would like to discuss the argument, why I and the majority of my opinion-bubble is wrong, and inflation will indeed be transitory. At the beginning of the summer, I've already discussed Jeff Snider's and David Rosenberg's arguments, who continu...